Monday, May 17, 2010

Is it bad that i just used smirnoff as mouthwash?

Well with May long weekend coming up I am currently issuing this request to anyone who reads this jumble of word shit.

Get drunk as fuck film it, take pictures hell write your escapades on a napkin from a restaurant I'll scan it and put it up here ( Ya I have a scanner hella ballin want my numba?). I want to see kids with shit written all over them. People passed out in a pile of their own vomit (or not there own if your into that...).

Any story i mean any story that is worth while for me to spend the time on I will put it on here.

Oh and creative title right............................ wrong do this and we will be bonding....... DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Hello everyone,

With summer just around the corner anyone who lives in this town knows with warm weather comes dumb ass people. You know what I'm talking about................ TOURISTS!!!!!!! Honestly, these people may keep this town running with all of their money but I really hate giving directions to every stupid fuck who decides its a good idea to load up the car and take his wife and two mongoloid half assed retarded kids for a vacation to..................wait for it............................................ "The highest elevation in Saskatchewan" or another favorite " An oasis in the prairies". Those titles may sound great but these people should probably look at the fucking twenty year old map they have collecting dust in their glove compartment before they ask me how to get back to the number one highway (The one they turned off of to get to this town!!), or how to get to the cypress hills because they here it is just beautiful. Or go for a small drive around to town to find the fucking liquor store for themselves! Or another favorite question of these mouth breathers is do you have a **insert fast food chain name here**, the answer is NO Jesus its a small town you cant not fill your arteries with grease for one weekend!
Just because you have a huge trailer doesn't mean you have the right of way at stop signs.Your reputation where ever your from doesn't apply here i don't give fuck who you are where you work or where your from, yes i have lived here my whole life and no it isn't "just wonderful" it isn't always summer!!

I'm tempted to make my own maps for these people that lead them to where they want to go just a way that would ruin that fancy trailer and show them that we don't want to give directions to stupid people.

If they really want to experience life here take the backroads to cypress hills I mean why not the scenery is beautiful right.....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It had to happen sooner or later.

Well hello everyone i thought that i would let everyone who read this know im still alive....

Summer 2010 shall be wild and hopefully on film we plan on making a montage of all of our shenanigans so if you want to be a part of this............. do dumb shit at a party.

Here is a small preview of what is to come!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Trampoline Maadness

These people are carnies to the maximum!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

My friend Erica posted this one on Facebook for all of you who aren't friends with her this is a hilarious video of an awesome news cast.