Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Beginning Or The End

Hello blog, my topic for today came to me when i was talking to my friend and fellow classmate at the local convenience store.He recently started a vlog on the popular internet website Youtube. Now I've seen it and actually quite enjoy it but the thing is (and probably the reason I've never started one) he cant think of anything to vlog about on his next video.Now i admit i thought that i might also have this problem but i find writing easier then video to begin with so that has helped me out but i also think that once you get an audience they start to expect something of you.Almost like when a director makes a movie and then doesn't live up to it in his film and all the fans are outraged and completely baffled. I think that the stress of making videos and also all the negative comments slash internet dicks would be just not worth it but thats my opinion blog.

Heres one of his videos hope you blow up man good luck!

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