To begin this journey of blogging I've decided to write a simple bit of text about one acronym that in one way or another has become its own noun adjective and even phrase. "What is this amazing and perhaps mythological acronym you speak of?!", you may ask. I'm sure you've all wrote it at least once or poked fun at those who have. The phrase i speak of is the almighty LOL, ah yes now you know where all this was going. From the early days of creation lol has been used as a way of showing or even just breaking up text when you have nothing better to say. But in my eyes it has gone to far the illegitimate love children of this word plauge the cell phones, Youtube comments and occasionally in everyday conversation. "What are these other words?" you may ask, well my friends here are a few ROFLMAO,ROFL,ROFLOCOPTER, and one dubbed by my friends LOS (laugh outside). Take this however you want people but in one way or another these three letters have shaped our childhood and pop culture in a way i doubt another three letters ever could.
So in closing i salute you LOL for your journey from nothing to something.
PS yall... this is what a Roflcopter looks like

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